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Brett Broska


Chief Broska joined the department in July 1993 and has served in the offices of Lieutenant, Captain, Assistant Chief, and Deputy Chief. Chief Broska has served as Chief since January 2014. Prior to joining Town Line, Chief Broska was a member of the Lancaster Fire Department and began his firefighting career as an Explorer with Town Line. Chief Broska was also a driver/first responder with the Lancaster Ambulance Corps for many years.


Chief Broska's training and experience he has gained over the past 39 years have prepared him for his role as Chief to lead the department and serve the community.

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John Smith

Deputy Chief

Bio coming soon

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Brandan Servos

Assistant Chief

Assistant Chief Brandan Servos joined the department in 2012 serving in the offices of Lieutenant, Captain and Service Award Trustee prior to being appointed to Assistant Chief in 2023.


Brandan's training and experience he has gained over the past 10 years have readied him to handle all firefighter training and lead our firefighters on emergency scenes.

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Jennifer Klas Broska


President Broska joined the department in December 1994 and has served as Recording Secretary, President, Firematic Director, and is serving in her second tenure as President since January 2008.


President Broska's background in corporate business, office management, accounting, and human resources provide her with the background and knowledge necessary to lead the department's administrative side and her experience in promotions, marketing and technology are an asset for our relations and communication with the public.

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Richard DeVries

Vice President

Vice President DeVries joined the department in 1993. During his time as a member, Rich served as Lieutenant, Captain, Assistant Chief, Deputy Chief, Service Award Trustee and Benevolent Trustee and has served in the office of Vice President since 2010.


Rich holds a degree in Business Management and his 35 years experience in the private business sector prove to be a great asset to the department in his duties as Vice President.

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Brett Broska

Smith Asst Chief.jpg
Deputy Chief

John Smith

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Assistant Chief

Brandan Servos

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EMS Captain

Chris Kidder

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William Caimano

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Allan Vertlieb

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William Radder

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EMS Lieutenant

Cole Erhardt

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Jennifer Klas-Broska

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Vice President

Richard DeVries



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Financial Secretary

Kevin Wright

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Recording Secretary

Mark Hjalmarson

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Sergeant at Arms

John Kader

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Service Award Trustee

Thomas Schlicht

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Service Award Trustee

Bryan Hopkins

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Director - 3 Year

Chairman of the Board

Stephen Coffed

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Director - 3 Year

Louis Chilelli

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Director - 3 Year

Thomas Schlicht

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Director - 1 Year

Kenneth Matynka

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Director - 1 Year

John Palermo

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